We help you collect and annotate your global data for high-value AI solutions

Get your training data ready in any language without the hassle of vetting and managing people.

Our multilingual data preparation services

Data collection for NLP

Data gathering and generation in all languages and variants for projects that are geographically and culturally complex.

Data annotation​

High-quality human annotation solutions for multilingual text and speech, image, and video data.

Transcription and translation

Fast and accurate in all languages and variants, with or without human editing involved.

From content to data:
a global evolution

Worldwide access to vast amounts of data has changed the business landscape. Storing, managing, and structuring information is the first step to data-driven decision-making. 

As a leading language service provider, we’ve been helping companies make sense of their global content for over a decade now. Helping them harness the advantages of a data-rich landscape was the next organic step. 

We joined the data preparation sector equipped with project management and global crowdsourcing expertise, a flexible technological mindset, and a history of successful global business partnerships. We are ready to help you.

Reasons to choose
Go Global Data

Our global network

We have a scalable global team of 4,000 annotators specialized in different industries and markets to ensure the best multicultural insights and cost-efficient outcomes.

Our flexible tech stack

Technological infrastructure has been a cornerstone of our business since the very beginning, and we aim to adapt and refine our tech resources for each project. We can work on our platform or yours.

Our agile project management

We apply agile methodologies to iterate quickly and deliver value from the start at any scale. Each project has its own dedicated account managers, project managers, and quality managers, who are always available for consultations and updates.

Our high-quality processes, which equals high-quality data

We manage all of our processes under ISO-certified quality policy, which means no setbacks, no surprises, and a full commitment to continuous improvement.

Our confidentiality and infrastructure security measures

Our annotators are bound by confidentiality agreements, and we store our projects on secure servers.

global annotators
languages and dialects
audio minutes transcribed each month

Have a global data challenge for us?

Tell us about your project, and we’ll contact you within 12 hours to schedule a meeting.